GET STARTEDInfrastructure
Infrastructure networks typically consist of linear assets traversing entire regions or countries. The coordination of multiple stakeholders on large infrastructure projects is a particular challenge, especially on large linear projects. There are likely to be numerous consultancies contributing to the planning and design phases and potentially multiple contractors, with several active work zones, constructing the asset. The client needs to understand progress in near real-time to manage the project effectively.
360 Surveys can establish and govern project control networks to ensure that all stakeholders remain coordinated. Our surveys become the single source of truth for a project resulting in less risk of design clashes and problems with misalignments on site. Coordinated project data makes possible the use of machine control for construction equipment and near-real time feedback on the status of the site through monitoring data. Our infrastructure inspection services and long-term monitoring systems help asset owners understand the condition and operational status of their networks
Our infrastructure binds our society together and enables it to function. Roads, railways, airports, harbours and utilities: these physical components are interconnected into complex systems to support trade, health, government, education, employment, industry, tourism – in essence, all parts of our society, economy and life as we know it. Due to its scale and importance, infrastructure is a significant investment for any government or licensed private operator. 360 Surveys recognise the importance of our infrastructure, the need to optimise its planning, design and construction, and the need to maximise its safe operational life to support our economy.

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