We provide independent land cadastral surveys you can trust to support property transactions with certainty.
Our Approach
By using 360 surveys for your legal mapping or cadastral survey you are guaranteed:
⦁ Robust, precise and accurate spatial information
⦁ Fully connected surveys through a common control framework resulting in high accuracy, quality & repeatability if required, in the event of a dispute arising in the future
⦁ Experience in providing solutions to both public organizations and private clients
⦁ Understanding of the systems in place regarding land use and registration
⦁ Cost-effective & professional service
⦁ Risk reduction, providing assurance & peace of mind to our clients
⦁ Innovative, technically proficient, proactive & client-focused survey company
⦁ Health & Safety assured – ISO and Safe Cert accredited
⦁ Nationwide service – Ghana
Our full cadastral survey service provides the following:
⦁ A site visit and full boundary survey using up-to-date survey equipment, GPS, and Total Stations
⦁ A full survey of all that pertains to the property in question
⦁ A full review of all title mapping and an assessment of historical mapping about the site in question
⦁ Identification of any previous registrations in the vicinity that may affect or be affecting your property
⦁ A tailored plan going forward
⦁ A robust SMD, by the SMD guidelines, which will ensure the proper registration for your property
⦁ Our dedicated, client-focused service decreases the possibility of omitting something that is almost a guaranteed source of contention & costly rectification

Cadastral Surveying Services
- Legal Mapping
- Cadastral survey
- Burden identification and search
- CPO (compulsory purchase order) mapping
- Declaration of identities
- Estate planning
- First registrations
- Ground truth survey
- Inheritance mapping
- Mapping adjudication
- Multi-story mapping
- Professional and expert witness
- Rectifications
- Rights of light survey
- Reconciliation of historical mapping
360 Surveys recognizes the value of land and your investment; we also know that the cost implications of not recording it properly can be huge. Our legal mapping and boundary surveys can help to highlight potential issues before you make your purchase or sale to reduce your exposure to unnecessary and potentially very costly circumstances.
It is most advantageous and strongly advised that all boundaries be verified on-site by a Geomatics Surveyor.
360 Surveys provide independent legal mapping services and cadastral surveys you can trust to determine the size and measurement of your land or property.
A precise boundary survey protects you. It brings potential legal problems to your attention so you can address them before you make your purchase or sale. 360 Surveys draws on their significant experience in legal mapping to reduce your exposure to unnecessary and potentially very costly circumstances. Our ongoing investments in the latest technologies and staff training ensure our expert surveyors can advise on the most suitable survey methodology to suit all client specifications and budgets. We guarantee peace of mind for our clients, providing reliable, accurate, fast, and cost-effective results for your cadastral survey or legal mapping investment.360 Surveys can assist property developers, architects, and private clients in understanding the nuances and pitfalls around legal mapping so that transactions can proceed with certainty